Repair Information
We work hard to make sure your repairs go quickly so that you can get back to your life without having to worry about your device.
Need to schedule a repair, device loan or demo?
We all know accidents happen (we’ve seen it all!), and it’s always a good idea to plan for the regular maintenance of your device. Our repair team is available to get you up and running again in no time. Loaner devices are also available for longer repair times, as are demo devices for in-office review. Go to the Fillauer Loan/Demo Program.

For Repairs:
To Request a repair, please take the following steps:
STEP 1: To set up a repair ticket, please fill out the below form so that we know what to expect. This repair form covers all devices.
STEP 2: After submitting the Repair Request Form you will receive a confirmation email with a pdf attached. Please print it and include it in the shipping package with your device.
STEP 3: Carefully package your device to protect it from additional damage or impact during shipping. If you are sending back an ETD/ETD2 hook, please make sure it is unlocked. If you are returning an MC Hand, please remove the glove (if applicable) and send only the device. We cannot be responsible for cosmetics or sockets. Be sure to include a printed copy of the repair form.
Mail to: Fillauer Motion Control
115 N Wright Brothers Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
STEP 4: When your package arrives we will contact you with an estimate, and keep you informed of our progress. We will need to have a purchase order number or direct payment before we can start repairs. Please complete the payment requirements in a timely manner to help us return your repair or loan device quickly.
After payment arrangements are made, most repairs and maintenance are completed in about a week. (See information below for in-warranty and out-of-warranty repairs.)
STEP 5: Upon completion of the repair we will pack and return your device soon as possible. *See additional information in the policy section below.
If you need a loaner device during the repair time you must fill out and submit a separate device loan request form found in the next section below.
For Demo or Loan Devices:
If you would like to inquire about arranging a loaner device during repairs OR demo trial items, please see the Fillauer Loan/Demo program information and complete the appropriate form.
Most demo devices are available for up to 15 days. Repair loans are good for 30 days unless otherwise notified. To inquire about a non-repair long-term device loan (a month or longer) please contact to make arrangements.
- The borrower accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage to the device(s) during the loan period.
- Failure to return equipment by specified time may interfere with other demo requests.
- If not returned by the stated return date you will be invoiced for full replacement cost of the equipment. *See additional information in the policy section below.
Fillauer Motion Control Repair Policies
Fillauer Motion Control (FMC) is committed to servicing all products it manufactures and sells, and returning repaired products to as near-new functionality as is possible and reasonable. This includes both in-warranty and out-of-warranty repairs. Repairs have a 90 day warranty.
Shipping For Repairs
The customer is responsible for shipping costs for repairs sent to and returned from Fillauer Motion Control.
Loan Devices During Repairs
Loan devices can be provided for use by the customer during their repair at no cost, as available. You must fill out a separate loan request form, in addition to the repair request form, to be scheduled for a loaner device. A PO number will be required to make the arrangements.
Shipping for Loans
Shipping costs to the customer via ground mail will be paid by Fillauer Motion Control. If a faster method is needed, the additional cost will be covered by the customer. Return shipping must be paid for by the customer.
Warranty Repairs
In the event of a defect, malfunction or other failure of the product during the warranty period, not caused by any of those items set forth in Exclusions below, FMC shall quickly remedy such failure or defect, without charge to the customer, within a reasonable period of time (see separate Fillauer Motion Control Limited Warranty Agreement). The remedy shall consist of repair or replacement of the product at FMC’s sole discretion. Replacement units may be either new or reconditioned units in near-new condition. Determination of the damages or defects to be covered under the Limited Warranty shall be made by FMC personnel.
Warranty Shipping
The customer is responsible to pay for shipping to FMC and we will cover return shipping as necessary.
This agreement does not include:
- Prosthetic services for fitting and maintaining the prosthesis made and used with the product.
- Damage caused by neglect, misuse or improper operation by anyone other than the seller.
- Damage due to accident, fire, water, vandalism, unsuitable environmental conditions or replacement parts not approved or recommended by Fillauer Motion Control.
- Damage or defects occurring prior to the beginning of the Agreement, except as covered under a previous warranty agreement.
- Modifications to the product which occur during the period of the Agreement except by mutual consent of the parties in writing, including payment of additional charges as specified by the seller.
Out-of-Warranty Repairs
In the event of a defect, malfunction or other failure of the product after the expiration of the warranty period, upon receipt of the product, FMC will inspect the device and provide an estimate of repair costs including parts and labor. The remedy shall consist of repair or replacement of the product at FMC’s sole discretion. Replacement units may be either new or reconditioned units in near-new condition. If the customer wishes to proceed with the repairs, FMC shall quickly complete such repairs within a reasonable period of time. If the customer decides to not have the device repaired, a nominal evaluation fee may be charged. Shipping to and from FMC, and repair costs, shall be paid by the customer.
During Repair
Fillauer Motion Control takes no responsibility for damage to items which are not related to the device being repaired while the device is being shipped or serviced. This includes, but is not limited to: cosmetic gloves, personalized attachments, custom covers, or decorations on the device. We ask that only the device being repaired be sent to our center unless otherwise stated.
Demo and Loan Product Information
Demo and loan products are typically available for 30 days. Availability is not guaranteed. Please fill out the above forms if a demo or loan item is needed and we will contact you with relevant information. A PO will be required for the request.
If a loan item is available, FMC will cover the cost to ship the equipment via ground shipping to the borrower for arrival before the start of the loan. If a faster delivery time is needed the borrower must pay the full cost of expedited shipping. Please ship back to Fillauer Motion Control (via tracked shipping) in time for the demo to arrive by the end date of the loan period.
- The borrower accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage to the device(s) during the loan period.
- The borrower is responsible for the cost of return shipping to arrive by the agreed upon date.
- Failure to return equipment by specified time may interfere with other demo requests.
- If not returned by the stated return date you will be invoiced for full replacement cost of the equipment.
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to reach out to customer service.