Fillauer Motion Control has some of the best industry-experienced instructors in the business. Get to know our team!
Our Educators
If you would like to visit with one of our educators please call us to find out when they will be in your area, or make arrangements for an in-person training or demonstration. Learn more about the courses offered on the Training Courses page. You can also register for our Free bi-annual MYO-U course, a 4-day training event at our headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT. Learn more here.

Clinical Educator Fillauer Motion Control
Amy Ginsburg
Amy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and Secondary Education from the University of St. Thomas. After college, she taught freshman biology then worked as an outdoor educator….

Clinical Educator Fillauer Motion Control
Nate Sprunger
Nate earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Pittsburgh, with a focus on Pathokinesiology. He continued his education, receiving a Master of Science degree …

Director of Product Development and Education, Fillauer
Sam Hale
Sam has a BS Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and began his career as a production and R&D engineer in Kimberly Clark’s Cooperative Program…